At KinderSurge, we specialise in providing comprehensive consultation and expert surgical care tailored to the unique needs of children. Our team of experienced pediatric specialists is dedicated to ensuring the highest standard of care, from initial diagnosis through treatment and recovery. With a compassionate approach and advanced medical techniques, we are committed to supporting your child's health and well-being every step of the way.
Consultation Services
Our comprehensive pediatric surgical consultation services include:
- Initial Assessment: Thorough evaluation of your child's medical history and current condition.
- Diagnostic Testing: Coordinating necessary tests and imaging to accurately diagnose the issue. Expertise in performing contrast studies for diagnosis including micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG), upper GI contrast studies, contrast enemas, functional swallow studies under fluoroscopy and urodynamics
- Treatment Planning: Developing a personalized surgical plan tailored to your child's needs.
- Parent Education: Informing and guiding parents through the surgical process, risks, and expected outcomes.
- Antenatal Counselling: Offering guidance and support for expectant parents regarding potential surgical needs of their unborn child.
- Bowel and Bladder Rehabilitation: Specialized support focusing on bedwetting/ nocturnal enuresis, chronic constipation, neurogenic bowel and bladder, and encopresis to help children recover and maintain proper bowel and bladder function.
- Pre- and Post-Operative Care: Offering detailed guidance and support before and after surgery for optimal recovery.
Surgical Interventions
Pediatric Emergency Surgeries
- Rigid Bronchoscopy - airway foreign body removal
- Surgery for testicular torsion
- Laparoscopic ovary sparing surgery for ovarian torsion
- Intussusception reduction
- Laparoscopic appendectomy/appendicectomy for acute appendicitis
- Surgery for intestinal obstruction
- Surgeries for newborn emergencies
Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery
Expertise in laparoscopic, thoracoscopic, and vesicoscopic procedures, offering faster healing, shorter hospital stays, and superior cosmetic outcomes.
Neonatal Surgery
- Trache-esophageal fistula (TEF-EA) repair
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) repair
- Anorectal malformation (ARM) surgeries
- Spina bifida repair
- Intestinal atresia surgery
- Surgery for necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)
- Gastroschisis and omphalocele repair - and more
Pediatric Surgical Oncology
- Wilm’s tumour - nephrectomy, nephron-sparing surgeries
- Neuroblastoma excision
- Hepatoblastoma - liver resections
- Adrenal tumours - adrenalectomy
- Teratomas excision
- Ovarian tumours surgery
- Pediatric chemoport and other central venous access devices insertion for chemotherapy
Pediatric Urology
- Ureteric reimplantation for vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR)
- cystoscopy posterior urethral valve (PUV) fulguration
- Hypospadias surgery
- Ureterocele incision
- Pyeloplasty for pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction (PUJO)
- Bladder augmentation
- Mitrofanoff procedure (appendicovesicostomy)
- Epispasdias- Exstrophy complex (EEC) repair
- Bladder neck repair
- Nephrectomy, Heminephrectomy
- Comprehensive evaluation of urinary tract infections
Pediatric Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Fundoplication for gasto-esophageal reflux (GER)
- Ladd’s procedure for intestinal malrotation
- Surgeries for intestinal atresia or duplications
- Pyloromyotomy for pyloric stenosis
- Surgeries for achalsia cardia, esophageal strictures, hiatus hernia, and esophagus replacement surgeries
- Surgery for mesenteric and omental cysts
- Surgery for abdominal or intestinal tuberculosis
Colorectal Surgery
- Surgeries for Hirschsprung disease including rectal biopsy for diagnosis and definitive pull-through procedures
- Surgeries for anorectal malformations - colostomy and anorectoplasty procedures
- Perineal fistulas repair
- Continent enema channel (MACE procedure)
Pediatric Hepato-pancreatico-biliary (HPB) Surgery
- Surgery for biliary atresia - Kasai procedure
- Choledochal cyst excison and reconstruction
- Surgeries for pancreatic cysts and chronic pancreatitis
- Shunt procedures for portal vein thrombosis
- Cholecystectomy for gall bladder stones (cholelithiasis).
- Surgery for Liver cysts
Pediatric Thoracic Surgery
- Decortication for empyema
- Lung lobectomy for congenital lung malformations (CCAM, CPAM, pulmonary sequestration, congenital lobar emphysema CLE)
- Bronchogenic cyst excision
- Thymectomy
- Other mediastinal cysts or masses excison
- Pleurodesis - recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax
Pediatric Neurosurgery
- Spina bifida or meningomyelocele surgery (MMC)
- Hydrocephalus surgery (VP shunt insertion)
Miscellaneous Surgeries
- Splenectomy - in setting of trauma or hematological disorders.
- Surgeries for special children
- Tracheostomy
- Fundoplication and feeding gastrostomy
- Feeding jejunostomy
- Lung biopsies
- Rigid bronchoscopy + bronchoalveolar lavage
Minimally Invasive Surgeries
Minimally invasive pediatric surgery uses small incisions and special tools to treat your child’s medical condition. Unlike traditional surgery, which requires large cuts, minimally invasive techniques mean less pain, quicker recovery, and smaller scars. With this approach, your child can often return home sooner and get back to normal activities faster. The procedures are just as safe and effective, but they cause less stress on the body. This advanced technique is now used for many common conditions, offering your child the best possible care with fewer complications.
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) procedures are just as safe and effective as traditional techniques, but with significant additional benefits. These advantages include:
- Faster healing and recovery
- Reduced post-operative pain
- Minimal scarring
- Lower risk of complications and infections
- Shorter hospital stays
- Decreased risk of injury to skin, muscle, and nerves
- Reduced blood loss
- Quicker return to school and regular activities
Is minimally invasive surgery an option for your child?
Yes, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) can be an excellent option for your child. However, it is not appropriate for all types of surgeries. At KinderSurge, we assess each patient's unique condition to determine the best surgical approach. If your child needs surgery, it's important to ask the surgeon whether MIS is an option. If you would like a second opinion about your child’s options, contact us to discuss further.
Conditions treated by minimally invasive techniques
- Inguinal hernia - laparoscopic herniotomy
- Undescended testis - laparoscopic orchidopexy
- Acute appendicitis - Laparoscopic Appendicectomy
- Bronchial or esophageal duplication cysts - Thoracoscopic Excision
- Laparoscopic feeding gastrostomy
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH), Diaphragm eventration - thoracoscopic repair
- Tracheo-esophageal Fistula- Esophageal Atresia (TEF-EA) - Thoracoscopic TEF repair
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease - Laparoscopic fundoplication
- Choledochal Cyst - Laparoscopic Choledochal cyst excision and reconstruction
- Cholelithiasis - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Neonatal Cholestasis - laparoscopic cholangiogram
- Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction (PUJO) - Laparoscopic pyeloplasty
- Vesico-ureteral Reflux (VUR) - vesicoscopic reimplantation
- Adrenal masses or tumours - laparoscopic adrenalectomy
- Laparoscopic nephrectomy
- Lap assisted Meckels diverticulum excision
- Laparoscopic ovarian detrosion and oophoropexy
- Laparoscopic ovarian cyst excision
- Laparoscopic splenectomy
- Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgeries - decortication
- Thoracoscopic mediastinal masses excision
- Congenital lung lesions, including lobar emphysema, cystic adenomatoid malformation and pulmonary sequestration - Thoracoscopic lobectomy
- Intestinal duplication cysts, mesenteric cysts, omental cysts - laparoscopic excision
- Laparoscopic Ladd’s procedure for intestinal malrotation
- Lung biopsy
- Pancreatic pseudocysts
- Pyloric stenosis - laparoscopic pyloromyotomy
- Recurrent pneumothorax and pulmonary blebs
- Liver Abscess, Hydatid cysts.